Advertise With Us




Radio Ad Specifications

File Type: MP3, WAV

Ad Length:

30-second ads

  • 30 seconds minimum / 32 seconds maximum
  • Actual audio within file must be between 29.7 seconds and 30.4 seconds

15-second ads

  • 15 seconds minimum / 17 seconds maximum
  • Actual audio within file must be between 14.8 seconds and 15.2 seconds

Bit Rate: 192kbps minimum 196kbps recommended

Audio Normalization: -12db peak


Podcast & Streaming Radio Ad Specifications

File Type: MP3

Ad Length:

30-second ads

  • 30 seconds minimum / 35 seconds maximum
  • Actual audio within file must be between 29.7 seconds and 30.4 seconds

Bit Rate: 192kbps minimum 196kbps recommended

Audio Normalization: -12db peak



 Rogers Sports & Media (RSM) will not air radio, streaming radio or podcast advertising which violates (or that RSM deems may violate) any aspect of applicable rules imposed by underlying rights holders, industry codes, regulations and laws which relate to broadcast advertising. Including, without limitation, NHL, CRTC, Competition Bureau, Health Canada, Code of Advertising Standards Canada (“ASC”) or any other approved clearance agency.

Advertising in the following categories must be accompanied by an ASC approval number, obtained by the advertiser:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • food and non-alcoholic beverages
  • children’s advertising
  • consumer drugs, natural health products and medical devices
  • cosmetics

In addition…

  • Advertisements that mention lotteries must be cleared through RSM Creative Services
  • Advertisements that mention gambling must be cleared through RSM legal department
  • Advocacy and political ads must clearly identify who is paying for the ad (not just a website mention)
  • Election advertising during writ periods must adhere to specific guideline including the fact that all parties and candidates must be changed the same rate
  • Cannabis and cannabis accessories advertising is prohibited on radio
  • Tobacco ads are prohibited
  • Vaping ads have very strict rules and must be cleared through Rogers legal department
  • Firearms advertising must be cleared through Rogers legal department
  • No sirens, screeching tires, car horns permitted in audio
  • No dead air beyond a half second (or it could trigger our backup systems)
  • No bleeped out foul language
  • Language/content must be appropriate for station audience
  • Ads disguised as editorial content (or news reports, traffic) are prohibited
  • Radio coupons (“say ‘I heard it on station X’ and get a discount”) are not permitted
  • Station call letter or monikers (ours or our competition’s) cannot be used in ads
  • Names of Station talent (ours or our competition’s) cannot be used in ads
  • RSM reserves the right to decline advertisements that it believes, in its sole discretion, will offend listeners.
  • Advertisements will not include gratuitous violence in any form, sexually explicit material,
  • coarse and/or offensive language, or abusive and/or discriminatory material
  • The use of subliminal techniques is prohibited
  • Non-licensed music may not be used in advertisement production without written proof of permission from the licence holder.
  • Use of third party trademarks is prohibited (including, but not limited to, Super Bowl, NFL, Grey Cup, Toronto Maple Leafs, Olympics, March Madness) without the trademark holder’s written consent
  • Rogers Radio reserves the right to accept, decline or modify advertising which mentions competitors to its radio stations including satellite radio providers.
  • Advertising must not disparage the competition
  • Testimonials must be based on real experience by people who have tried the product
  • Advertisements produced in house must not be written in first person tense (no “I, me, my, we, us, our”)